Friday, February 26, 2010

Bangkok#2 Chatuchak Market

Here we are!! The largest weekend market in Bangkok --> Chatuchak Market**** It's only open on weekends from 7am onwards with over 15,000 stalls.. wOw.. Can't imagine waking up so early just to shop, shop, and SHOP :D Of course, we are not that hardworking and we were being suggested to see some temples by the 'friendly' locals before coming here. *inside story to share with all of you bout 'bangkok scams' later on* The weather was really hot and there are sososo many things to see. We just started to walk bout 2hours and feel like dragging our legs to keep going.

Well, you really have to be a great shopper and make sure u bring a BIG storage bag to keep yr 'harvest'... We admit we're not good shoppers, that's why FOod is always the BEST...
A: "The uncle with a big pool of pinkish balls (famous Thai dessert --> tab tim grob****$) doesn't really look happy with his dessert.. I wonder if it taste good" Yes, it does taste great~ although i still prefer the malaysian version, with some nangka (jackfruit) slices on top... mMmmM...

A: Ever since Peter bought the t-shirt (with bruce lee pic), he has been imitating the idol's sound effect this whole trip...
P: "WAchaaAAA....."
A: (sigh =.=)

P&A: Oh, how gracious... the thai teh tarik boy...

A coconut ice cream is very best for the red hot noon in Bangkok.


Blog Reference

* Waste of Time
** Not Too Bad
*** Averagely OK
**** Interesting
***** MUST GO

$ Cheap
$$ A Bit Pricy
$$$ Expensive