Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Norseman to Madura Pass

Norseman is a small historical gold mining town. It is the second richest goldfield in WA. Nothing much here. We went to the Beacon Hill Lookout**, which is a few minutes drive from the caravan park. Nothing spectacular, but it’s a good place for morning walk and have a look of the mining area =)

Along the Eyre Highway to Madura, there are few roadhouses which provide accommodation, food and fuel. Among them, Balladonia is worth stopping because it has a little museum in the roadhouse. There are a lot of information on the highway itself and American Skylab (spaceship) which dropped from its orbit where some debris ended up in Balladonia.

Australia’s Longest Straight Road – Caiguna
There is a tree nearby this sign which is covered with shoes or sandals hanging on it! The first traveler who starts this ‘shoe hanging’ must be saying “I have been here”! How thoughtful~ But we wouldn’t sacrifice our Nike shoes though. . .
Really cannot stand driving on this road, so straight! Not much things to see~
It took us five hours drive from Norseman to Madura. Madura station was settled in 1876 and bred horses for the British Army (India). Wow, we were glad the roadhouse is much bigger than the others we have seen on this highway so far, with bar, restaurant, motel and service station. Whew~~
We get to stay in the staff quarters room, which has a double bed, toilet, fridge and television in it. $70 for a week is really worth it then! And most surprising is the dinner we get here. . . 
Have a look, our first meal in Madura. . . Oh dear. . .

Our room for 3 months

The roadhouse


Blog Reference

* Waste of Time
** Not Too Bad
*** Averagely OK
**** Interesting
***** MUST GO

$ Cheap
$$ A Bit Pricy
$$$ Expensive