Sunday, August 29, 2010

Hong Kong#1 Arrival to Hong Kong 香港

Go Go Go
 Through our photos, u'll see why HK is such a colourful country~ It has so many things to offer for the shopper, eater, adventurer, cultural enthusiast ... etc... Thanks to AirAsia, we managed to book a flight to HK a yr ago for only RM 150 nett per person (everyone can fly :P) This time its 6days @ HK and 2days @ Macau.. Woohoo..

From the airport, we can travel to the city by airport bus$, taxi$$$ or MTR airport express$$. Airport bus is the budget transport around, we took bus no. A21 to Tsim Sha Tsui (HungHom KCR Station route) which costs HK$33. Journey takes about 45minutes and you get to catch a glimpse of the HK city..

Here we are, stopping at bus stop no. 14, the ChungKing Mansion. One of the oldest budget accomodation around. Well, you can see how really old it is... It certainly has the smell of HongKong and many other countries like Pakistan, African, Indian, and Nepal.. hehee.. cause there are all sort of travellers staying here. Among the many hostelers in this old building, we chose Tai-Wan Hostel$. Costs about HK$120 per night. What you have to expect staying in backpacker hostel in hk : the room is as small as your toilet and bed just fits from head to toe! For anyone taller than 185cm i think you had better pay more to get a longer bed...
P(184cm): "I am the one sleeping in the room and just fits from head to toe for 5 nights." But I like it.

Octopus card is the way to travel in Hong Kong. Instead of taking a 1 or 3 days tourist mtr pass (cost HK$55 and $300 each), octopus card is a reload card which can be used for mtr, bus, and convenience stores.


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Blog Reference

* Waste of Time
** Not Too Bad
*** Averagely OK
**** Interesting
***** MUST GO

$ Cheap
$$ A Bit Pricy
$$$ Expensive