Thursday, March 22, 2012

Yorke Peninsular 'Boot Leg'

From Melrose, we plan to travel to the ‘boot leg’ of South Australia, which is Yorke Peninsular. From the map, it really looks like a boot. We passed by Stone Hut. We stopped at the Hickory’s Run Olive Grove & Cafe which offer free tasting. The owner was really nice, serving us although their café is yet to open at 10am. They offered us free olive tasting. We liked their Extra virgin, garlic and lime flavored olive oil very much. We learned that the olives, once harvested around March will be put in brine for five years to get rid of the bitterness. Gosh, that’s a very long time. There’s a famous bakery called the Old Bakery Stone Hut which is known for its pies and cakes with very old cottage style ambience. Unfortunately they were close till March.

Olive oil tasting with the shop’s specialty, Cinnamon Chai Latte. The coffee tasted really good.

Yorke Peninsular is a famous fishing spot. With the hopes to get some free fish, we travel to Port Julia after doing grocery shopping at Ardrossan’s Foodland supermarket. Port Julia has no shops or caravan parks. But it has a camp ground with only toilet facility for $5 per person. It has a jetty, which is famous to get squids from it. So in the afternoon, we try to get some fish. Hours went by . . . NONE. Giving up, we went back to our camps. Just hanging around and cook dinner. Then a friendly neighbor approached us and gave us some squid. Woohoo, that is so nice. Plus it is a clean squid. No black  inks!

Crumbed salt and pepper squid =)

Port Julia

Back to Ardrossan again the next morning to do crabbing. It’s a crab town, we should be able to get some crabs gua. We caught many! But they are the little ones. It must measure more than 11cm from end to end of its shell tip. So at the end of the three hours there, we caught four crabs. That’s good enough for dinner. So happily, we head to Adelaide!

Golden Crab porridge =))

1 comment:

  1. P&A, come back then cook golden crab porridge for me ya :p


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